Andreu Carandell Gottschewsky is the author of the theatre pieces “Turruquena”, “Peça per a persones” and “A-dicció”. He also wrote the biography of the dancer “Emma Maleras”, and translated from German the essays: “Pina Bausch” by Raimund Hoghe (also prologue); “Teatre-dansa. Tradicions i llibertats” by Susanne Schlicher (also forewords) and “The impossible theatre. Fenomenologie of figures theatre” by Werner Knoedgen. He also translated the theatre plays “Ein Kind unserer Zeit” by Ödon von Horvath; “La noia del trèmul” by Stafan Goethe; “Ritter, Dene, Voss” by Thomas Bernhardt; “Contes alemanys” by Grimm brothers / Bernhard Minetti, amog others.


Since 1984 he has worked as dancer and coreographer in diferent companys. He has been member of the “Heura” modern dance company and the “Ballet de Paco Romero”, among others. For the theater he has made coreographies for the plays “Farsa de la cabeza del dragon” by Valle Inclán (Barcelona, Spain), “Bodas de sangre” by Federico García Lorca (Seoul, South Korea), “Mama Medea” by Tom Lanoy (Poznan, Poland), “Ay Carmela” by José Sanchis Sinisterra (Turin, Italy), among others. He founded the Companyia Respectacle (1989) and the Companyia Turruquena (1998).

He directed the plays: “Turruquena”, “Peça per a persones” and “A-dicció” (already mentioned), the opera “La bufa”, with libretto by Albert Mestres and music by Jordi Russinyol, “Brossa em Cata Preta” (Sao paulo, Brasil) and “Bodas de sangre”, among others. He acted in several theatre pieces: “Això és una cadira” by Caryl Churchill; “L’escorxador” by Albert Munt; “Ritter, Dene, Voss” by Thomas Bernherd; “La desaparició de Wendy” by Josep Maria Benet i Jornet; “El bell lloc” by Joan Brossa; “Els perses” by Esquil, among others.

He engaged the Visual Theatre groups “La fanfarra”, “Teatre Curial” and “Comediants”. He participated in the T.V. programs and fiction serials: “Tripijocs” , “En escena, cent anys de teatre català”, “Porca misèria”, “El cor de la ciutat”, “Arnau”, “Temps de silenci” and “Angel Cases Show”. He has also played different roles in films such as “Caracremada”, “Bruc” and “Germanes de Sang”.

He is currently teacher of dramatics and flamenco dancing in the Theater University of Barcelona (Institut de Teatre), the “Rosita Mauri” School and “El Timbal” and has given flamenco and theater workshops in Korea, Japan, Brasil and Germany.

Born in Barcelona in 1965, he has a degree in German Philology at the University of Barcelona as well as in Dramatic Art at the Theatre Institute of Barcelona. Presently, he courses the Doctorate Program in Scenic Arts at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. He also studied flamenco and classical dance with diferent masters, Psycho Corporal Therapy and Craniosacral Biodynamics. He obtained a grant from the Goethe Institute; a second one for the Development of Creative Projects at the Interdisciplinary Centre Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, and a third one for the Creation of Theatre Texts in Catalan Language from the National Theatre of Catalonia with the project “A-dicció”.

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